Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
System Library
, /bin
- Shells
- bash 5.1.16
- zsh 5.8.1
- Editors
- emacs 27.1
- vim 8.2
- nano 6.2
- Compilers and interpreters
- gcc 11.4.0, 12.3.0
- clang 14.0
- rustc 1.66.1
- python3 3.10.12
- ruby 3.0
- R 4.3.1
- Other tools
- git 2.34.1
- cmake 3.22.1
Some tools are available in newer version. See below.
Job Management System
OpenPBS 22.0
Additional Tools
Additional tools are installed with Homebrew
to /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/
if available.
Otherwise, they are manually installed to /home/antares/
The environment variable PATH
for their bin
s is preset for all users.
Compilers, Interpreters, and Libraries
- gcc 13.2
- python 3.12
- boost 1.85
- eigen 3.4.0
- gsl 2.7.1
General tools
- tmux 3.4
- cmake 3.29
- git 2.45
Bioinformatics tools
- bcftools 1.20
- bedtools 2.31
- blast 2.15
- bowtie2 2.5.3
- bwa 0.7.18
- fastp 0.23.4
- gatk 4.3.0
- hisat2 2.2.1
- hmmer 3.4
- htslib/samtools 1.20
- lastz 1.04.22
- libsequence 1.9.8
- mafft 7.526
- multiz 20191003
- paml 4.9j
- PLINK v1.90b5
- PHAST v1.6
- RAxML 8.2.12
- SeqKit 2.8.1
- SnpEff 4.3
- sratoolkit 3.1.0
- STAR 2.7.10
- stringtie 2.1.4
- varscan 2.4.4
- velvet 1.2.10
- MEME 5.5.5
- orthofinder 2.5.5
- RepeatMasker 4.1.5
- salmon 1.10.3
- Trinity 2.15.1
- ms
- RSEM 1.3.3
- signalp 5.0b
- tmhmm 2.0c
/usr/bin/python3@ -> python3.10
The system does not provide any package globally according to PEP 668. You can install packages to your local environment with venv.
R packages
- ape
- BioConductor (Biostrings, GenomicRanges, etc.)
- brms
- cmdstanr
- cowplot
- igraph
- lme4
- Rcpp
- rgl
- rmarkdown
- rstanarm
- Seurat
- tidyverse (ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, etc.)